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A Holistic Approach to Consulting For All

In-Person & Online Consultation with Dr. Oglesby

Meet Dr Oglesby




Carole Oglesby is an Emeritus Board member for WomenSport International (WSI), a Professor Emeritus in sport psychology (2001) from Temple University and was Chairperson in Kinesiology at California State University Northridge from 2003-2009. Her scholarship focused on re-imagining gender identity through publications such as Women and Sport: From Myth to Reality (1978) and Encyclopedia of American Women in Sport (1998). She authored seven books and monographs and over 60 refereed articles.


Carole served as the first president of the Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women (AIAW), as the first president of Women Sport International and IWG CoChair 2014-2018. She served as president of the National Association for Girls and Women in Sport (NAGWS), and as Trustee for the Women's Sports Foundation (WSF). She organized WSF's "The New Agenda" conference, which set the research agenda for women in sport in the early 1980s, including homophobia in sport.  


Carole has received numerous awards including, but not limited to, Women's Sports Foundation Billie Jean King Contribution Award, AAHPERD R. Tait McKinzie Award, ICSSPE Phillip Noel Baker Research Award, AASP 2021 Distinguished Professional Practice Award, Purdue University Title IX Distinguished Service Award, IOC Women and Sport Award for the Americas 2018, Global Game Changer Award WSI 2022.


What I Specialize In

Individual Consultation

Organizational Consultation

Non-Profit Consultation

Virtual Presentation

In-Person Presentation


I've enjoyed consulting with individuals and organizations all across the globe!

Dr. Carole Oglesby received the WSI Global Game Changer Awards for their lifelong contribution to not only WSI but also the field of Women in Sport at the IWG World Conference on Women and Sport in New Zealand. Both continues their involvement in WSI as the Emeritus Directors. 

WomenSport International Award

Dr. Carole Oglesby – President of the Association of Intercollegiate Athletics for Women, President of the National Association of Girls and Women’s Sport, President of Women Sport International and co-Chair of the International Working Group on Women and Sport. Throughout her academic career, Dr Oglesby has devoted herself to the growth and development of women’s studies and the advocacy of women in sport.

IOC Women and Sport Awards

In honor of the 45th anniversary of the enactment of Title IX, the Office of the Vice President of Ethics and Compliance presented on October 5, 2017, Purdue's Title IX Distinguished Service Award. Dr. Carole Oglesby was recognized and honored for her significant contribution to the advancement of gender equity in education.

Title IX Distinguished Service Award

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